Objectives for Grade 3


By the end of Grade 3, students will be able to:

  1. Express awe and wonder at God’s creation.
  2. Identify the commandments that focus specifically on our relationship to God and those that focus specifically on our relationship to others.
  3. Praise and worship God with their songs, prayers, gifts, and lives of service.
  4. Praise God for the worth He gives them in Christ.
  5. Thank God for the blessings of Christian friends.
  6. Demonstrate a Gospel-motivated desire to love and forgive all others, including those who hate them
  7. Confess their sins, expressing confidence in the forgiveness God offers them freely in Christ Jesus, their Lord.
  8. Express their trust and confidence in God to care for their physical and spiritual needs.
  9. Describe the unfolding of God’s plan to send a Savior.
  10. Describe and appreciate the work and blessings of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
  11. Consider the vocations of professional church workers and the possibility of becoming one.
  12. Acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God yet true man and Savior of the world.
  13. Profess that Jesus our Savior physically rose from the dead.
  14. Explain that Jesus will return to earth on the Last Day to judge the world.
  15. Demonstrate a desire to share the Gospel with others through the power of the Holy Spirit.
  16. Memory Work

  17. Recite and explain the Ten Commandments, Apostles Creed, Lord’s Prayer.

Language Arts

By the end of Grade 3, students will be able to:

  1. Read with increasing attention to meaning.
  2. Identify cause-and-effect relationship in stories read or heard.
  3. Identify the main idea, significant details, and the sequence of events in stories read silently.
  4. Lead small groups in impromptu or prepared prayer.
  5. Use alphabetical order to locate information of varying kinds.
  6. Write legibly in cursive writing, using appropriate size, slant, shape, and spacing.
  7. Write descriptions of story characters and infer motives.
  8. Suggest realistic and logical alternative conclusions to a story.
  9. Predict the behavior of story characters.
  10. Identify stories they read as being realistic or fantasy.
  11. Discuss story plots.
  12. Enjoy selecting age-appropriate and ability-appropriate books to read in leisure time.
  13. Use pitch, rhythm, rate, and volume of speech to convey meaning.
  14. Identify and use subject-verb agreement in oral and written sentences.
  15. Dramatize favorite stories.
  16. Listen with increasing discrimination and ask questions to check their understanding.
  17. Read their own stories to the class.
  18. Use a junior dictionary to define and spell new words.
  19. Articulate and use all sounds correctly.
  20. Construct sentences that are statements, questions, exclamations, or imperatives (commands).
  21. Identify and use the possessive forms of nouns and pronouns in speaking and writing.
  22. Use capital letters where needed.
  23. Spell correctly the words they use when revising their writing.
  24. Write dictated sentences and paragraphs, using correct spelling and punctuation.
  25. Write a friendly letter, using correct form, spelling, and punctuation.
  26. Write a 2-3 paragraph book summary.


By the end of Grade 3, students will be able to:

  1. Count by ones to any whole number needed and skip count by twos, threes, fives, and tens.
  2. Read, write, order, and use numerals through 999,000 and decimals to the hundredths.
  3. Write a number sentence that describes the relationship between any pair of whole numbers.
  4. Identify the place value of any numeral up to 6 spaces to the left of the decimal point and two spaces to the right of the decimal point.
  5. Round a number to the nearest ten, hundred, or thousand.
  6. Estimate and find the sum of three or more whole numbers and the sum or difference of two-, three-, and four-digit numbers
  7. Write number sentences that describe multiplication or division sentences.
  8. Do mental calculations by using various properties of addition and subtraction.
  9. Demonstrate the relationship between addition and multiplication, subtraction and division, and multiplication and division.
  10. Find the product of two one-digit whole numbers and a one-digit number multiplied by a two-digit number.
  11. Find the quotient when the dividend is a two-digit whole number and the divisor is a one-digit whole number.
  12. Use a calculator to make mathematical discoveries, add or subtract any pair of whole numbers, and multiply any two whole numbers.
  13. Compare, order, and round money amounts; make change for dollar amounts up to $5; express the value for a given amount of money in words; and add and subtract money using models.
  14. Identify, describe, and compare two- and three-dimensional figures.
  15. Identify congruent and symmetrical figures.
  16. Construct, using cubes, a solid to match a given solid.
  17. Find the area and the perimeter of two-dimensional figures by using both nonstandard units and standard units.
  18. Determine elapsed time.
  19. Choose the appropriate metric or English unit for making a measurement.
  20. Identify linear measurements from centimeters to meters, inches to feet, and vice versa.
  21. Collect and display data in the form of tables, bar graphs, and pictographs.
  22. Locate or name ordered pairs on a coordinate grid.
  23. Compare and order fractions using concrete models. (To be able to do this students will need to be able to model several different equivalent fractions for a given fraction.)
  24. Use different strategies to determine basic multiplication and division facts.
  25. Determine the relationship that exists between each pair of elements in a given set of ordered pairs and then use this relationship (rule) to generate additional ordered pairs.


By the end of Grade 3, students will be able to:

  1. Classify various objects to clarify the meaning of classification.
  2. Classify animals; backbone versus no backbone (vertebrate and invertebrate).
  3. Classify plants; those that reproduce by seeds or no seeds; those that have seeds from flowers or cones; monocots and dicots.
  4. Examine and identify the parts of a flower and a seed and their functions.
  5. Grow and observe a microgarden and microgarden plants; algae, mold, mushrooms, etc.
  6. Order the life cycle of some common animals; humans, chickens, etc.
  7. Observe and record the life cycle of mealworms.
  8. Observe and discuss the habitats of plants and animals; city, desert, plain, forest, seashore.
  9. Build terraria and aquaria as sample habitats to tend and observe long-term.
  10. Measure the mass of various items on a balance and identify the kilogram (via a one-liter water bottle).
  11. Measure the temperature of various materials using Celsius and Fahrenheit thermometers. Chart the information.
  12. Measure (or collect from TV or other media sources) the variables of weather and keep a record: temperature (indoor/outdoor thermometer), wind speed, cloudiness, and moisture.
  13. List the five senses and draw sketches and describe the parts for the tongue, eye, and ear.
  14. Discuss the limitations connected to impairments in any of the senses.
  15. Identify diets for third-graders that use the four food groups or food pyramid wisely. Discuss appropriate health and wellness issues. Keep a dietary record for a week.
  16. Discuss changes in the earth (erosion, volcanoes, earthquakes), their causes and their effects, observing live in the field examples where possible.
  17. Observe the force of freezing water as an agent of change (outdoors in winter, or in a freezer).
  18. Predict from given sets of conditions or photographs where water, ice, or wind erosion would be most likely to occur.

Social Studies

By the end of Grade 3, students will be able to:

  1. Participate in establishing common goals.
  2. Describe how to celebrate cultural traditions.
  3. Compare different cultural practices and values.
  4. Identify a globe as a model of the earth and understand that land areas can be divided into entities such as cities, states, and countries.
  5. Place events on a time line.
  6. Understand differences between rural, urban and suburban life.
  7. Use the voting process to make selections and decision on issue regarding classroom life.
  8. Compare information from two different sources and give examples of how people interpret experiences differently.
  9. Refer to historical sources to help understand the past.
  10. Describe environmental issues of their region.
  11. Relate how institutions and experience shape personal and community development.
  12. Explain the purpose of governments.
  13. Identify the basis of conflict and suggest resolution approaches.
  14. Explain their responsibility in the classroom.
  15. Express appreciation and concern for the nation in oral or written form.
  16. Compare and contrast daily life in 176=50, 1850, and 1950 using a retrieval chart or other research approach.
  17. Recognize the contributions of Native American civilizations prior to European settlement.
  18. Identify the seven continents and major oceans on a globe or map.
  19. Understand how cultures change over time and note factors that influence change.
  20. Understand why regions grow and decline (e.g., as they are affected by economic, sociological, environmental, and political factors).
  21. Explain why transportation was and is important to economic development.
  22. Explain the wise use of natural resources.
  23. Use longitude and latitude to find a location on a map or globe.
  24. Use evidence to support an idea or position.


By the end of Grade 3, students will be able to:

    Art History 

  1. Recognize works of art created by artists studied in class.
  2. Recognize and discuss selected styles or periods of art presented in third grade.
  3. Compare the use of media in artworks from different cultures.
  4. The Create of Art

  5. Deliberately use repetition in drawing and painting to achieve unity.
  6. Create variety in drawings and paintings by using several different colors, shapes, and lines.
  7. Mix secondary and intermediate colors from a given set of primary colors.
  8. Create paintings that utilize coherent and unified colors and brush strokes.
  9. Use color blends in painting.
  10. Use highlights and shadows to create the illusion of three dimensions in drawing and painting.
  11. Utilize both positive and negative space in a composition.
  12. Create an illustration for a book or poster.
  13. Use modeling, coiling, and pinching techniques to create a ceramic form.
  14. Utilize the principles of dominance, repetition, and balance in the creation of works of art.
  15. Compose an art object using mixed media and found objects.
  16. Create signed and numbered prints based on a theme from nature.
  17. Demonstrate skill in the creation of paper weavings and banners.
  18. Develop social skills and Christian character as he/she works with others.
  19. Art Criticism and Analysis

  20. Identify and describe the elements in a given set of artworks.
  21. Describe the visual and tactile qualities of a given set of artworks.
  22. Identify the art elements in nature and the environment.
  23. Discuss the composition and expressive properties of advertising design.
  24. Aesthetics

  25. Profess a Christian world view in the interpretation and discussion of selected works of art.
  26. Discuss the similarities and differences between art and craft.
  27. Discuss the purpose(s) of selected works of art
  28. Discuss reasons for making and displaying works of art.
  29. Demonstrate an ability to discuss and understand a wide variety of art.

(Text: Holt Music)

By the end of Grade 3, students will be able to:


  1. Observe that music may be fast or slow, depending on the beat.
  2. be able to maintain a steady beat, using classroom instruments and body percussion.
  3. Accompany songs by playing ostinatos.
  4. Maintain own rhythm in ensemble.
  5. Melody

  6. Sing simple melodies by ear.
  7. Hear the difference between major and minor melodies.
  8. Begin to sue the Autoharp, xylophones and tone bells to accompany songs.
  9. The students will begin to play pitches and simple songs on soprano recorders.
  10. Dynamics

  11. Discuss volume changes in music.
  12. Listen to examples.
  13. Learn names and notation for piano through forte, crescendo and decrescendo.
  14. They will understand allegro and large tempo signs.
  15. Harmony

  16. Use tone bells to build I and V7 chords.
  17. Accompany songs with these chords, listening for appropriate time to change.
  18. Sing 2 and 3 part rounds.
  19. Listen to difference between major and minor chords.
  20. Articulation

  21. Learn legato, staccato and accent marks.
  22. Observe notation for these marks.
  23. Form

  24. Listen to a wide variety of music.
  25. They will hear solo music by different instruments and voices.
  26. Reading

  27. The students will recognize and understand 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4 time signatures as well as the treble clef sign and the musical staff.
  28. Performance

  29. Sing music from a variety of books, sheet music and hymnals.
  30. Sing skips and steps and simple rounds.
  31. Sing with an increasingly clear tone, using loudness and softness, word stress and speed to be expressive.
  32. Good posture and breathing techniques will be stressed.
  33. Participate in singing in church 3 or 4 times during the school year.
  34. Participate in the Advent program in December and the spring musical in May.
  35. Comparing

  36. Hear and identify differences in woodwind, brass, string, percussion instruments and voices.
  37. Distinguish between weak, incomplete phrase ending and strong, conclusive phrase endings.

Physical Education

By the end of Grade 3, students will be able to:

    Movement Concepts 

  1. Lead movement patterns with different body parts.
  2. Avoid or intercept objects or people while moving.
  3. Create shapes, patterns, and sequences with partner.
  4. Movement Patterns and Skills

  5. Consistently use proper techniques while throwing, kicking, etc.
  6. Consistently use side orientation and correct hand position while striking an object from a tee.
  7. Hand-dribble a ball with control in a large group setting.
  8. Enter, jump, and exit a rope turned by others.
  9. Continuously strike a ball with a paddle.
  10. Lead with either foot while leaping.
  11. Use correct grips and action s in response to teacher directions during parachute activities.
  12. Fitness Skills and Behaviors.

  13. Maintain continuous aerobic activity for a specific time.
  14. Participate in physical activity for the purpose of improving physical fitness.
  15. Maintain balance, control, and good body alignment during physical activity.
  16. Support and lift own body weight in physical activity.
  17. Participate in physical activities, using maximum range of movement.
  18. Cognitive Elements Related to Movement Experiences

  19. Select movement concepts and relate them to various skills.
  20. State reasons for and benefits of vigorous physical activity.
  21. Describe the rules and general sequence for selected class activities.
  22. Know the importance of following guidelines and directions.
  23. Understand the importance of cooperating in group play.
  24. Identify various movements that are performed with ease and with difficulty.
  25. Responsible Personal and Social Attitudes and Behaviors

  26. Appreciate good play of others.
  27. Appreciate the benefits that accompany cooperation and sharing.
  28. Relate to persons from different backgrounds and identify individual differences relative to physical activity.
  29. Wait patiently for their turn before making another attempt.
  30. Stop activity immediately following the signal, and do so without a reminder.
  31. Work cooperatively with a partner on a specific skill pattern or physical fitness component.
  32. Accept the teacher’s decision regarding a personal rule infraction without displaying negative reactions toward others.
  33. Recognize that their bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and exhibit self-control in body management.