Objectives for Grade 4


By the end of Grade 4, students will be able to:

  1. Thank God for His creating and preserving might.
  2. Pray for God’s guidance in building Christian relationships.
  3. Identify faith in Jesus as the only way to heaven.
  4. Acknowledge that Jesus, the Savior, is both true God and true man.
  5. Acknowledge that God desires all people to receive the gift of eternal life and salvation.
  6. Demonstrate an understanding of the meaning of the terms grace and faith.
  7. Evidence a desire for the spiritual food offered through God’s Word.
  8. Confess their sins to God, trusting that He will forgive them because of the saving work of His Son, Jesus.
  9. Express their love for God in acts of service to other people.
  10. Acknowledge that at Easter Jesus proclaimed His victory over sin, death, and the power of the devil.
  11. Express reliance on Jesus’ presence and the power of the Holy Spirit for the courage and ability to witness the Christian faith in their daily lives.
  12. Acknowledge the communion of saints as a special blessing from God.
  13. Realize that God gives them faith and a change of heart so that they may live as His children.
  14. Identify the attributes of God.

Language Arts

By the end of Grade 4, students will be able to:

  1. Listen for enjoyment and to gain information.
  2. Reenact story situations.
  3. Read aloud with interpretive expression.
  4. Identify and understand figurative and idiomatic language.
  5. Complete verbal analogies.
  6. Demonstrate awareness that there are levels of usage appropriate to varying occasions.
  7. Identify multiple possible causes for characters’ actions.
  8. Reread and revise their own sentences, paragraphs, and stories.
  9. Diagram relationships through graphic organizers and semantic maps.
  10. Write summaries of stories.
  11. Listen and take simple notes in their own words, listing main ideas and significant details.
  12. Brainstorm ideas on a topic.
  13. Write the dialog for comic strip characters in a picture story.
  14. Write and present oral book reports referring to the main characters of a story and the sequence of events, using visual aids.
  15. Use reading as a study skill, using a table of contents, index, and glossary as aids for finding information.
  16. Write rough copy with the ability and willingness to recopy and improve legibility, ideas, and punctuation.
  17. Spell correctly the words that are needed for written expression in all subjects, and use multiple strategies for spelling unfamiliar words.
  18. Use accepted form and appropriate language in varying types of written communication.
  19. Write cursive script, using appropriate size, slant, shape and spacing.
  20. Choose age-appropriate and ability-appropriate level books to read in leisure time.
  21. Take notes while listening to an oral presentation.
  22. Provide synonyms or antonyms for words.


By the end of Grade 4, students will be able to:

  1. Read, write, order, and use numerals through 1,000,000,000.
  2. Write a number sentence that describes the relationship between any pair of whole numbers.
  3. Round a number to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, or hundred thousand and round money amounts to the nearest $.10, $1.00, or $10.00
  4. Estimate and find the sum or difference of two-, three-, and four-digit numbers.
  5. Illustrate how the distributive property of multiplication over addition can be used to find the product of a one-digit number and a two- or three-digit number.
  6. Estimate and find the product of any two-digit number multiplied by a one- or two-digit number.
  7. Estimate and find the quotient of a two-digit whole number dividend and a one-digit whole number divisor.
  8. Do mental calculations by using various properties of addition, subtraction, and multiplication.
  9. Be able to use a calculator to make mathematical discoveries, add several numbers, and subtract or multiply a give pair of whole numbers.
  10. Make change for dollar amounts up to $20; express the value for a given amount of money in words; and find sums and differences of money amounts.
  11. Identify and construct models of a line; a line segment; a ray; and angle; including its sides and its vertex; a right angle; two parallel lines; two intersecting lines; two perpendicular lines; a radius; a diameter; and certain two- and three- dimensional figures.
  12. Identify congruent, similar, and symmetrical figures.
  13. Transform plane figures, i.e., be able to illustrate the reflection, the rotation, and the translation of a geometric figure using concrete models.
  14. Estimate and measure length, perimeter, capacity, weight (mass), temperature, and area by using various nonstandard, metric, and English units.
  15. Convert linear measurements in centimeters, decimeters, or meters from one unit to another or in inches, feet, or yards from one unit to another.
  16. Collect, record, and organize data into tables, charts, bar graphs, line graphs, and pictographs.
  17. Formulate questions and make predictions based on organized data.
  18. Find the likelihood (probability) of an event and make predictions. In order to determine the likelihood, students will need to be able to list the possible outcomes for various experiments and list the different arrangements (permutations) for a given set of objects.
  19. Find factors and multiples of numbers.
  20. Order fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals.
  21. Find equivalent fractions and simple fractions.
  22. Find the sum of any two fractions or mixed numbers which have a common denominator.


By the end of Grade 4, students will be able to:

  1. Discuss a plant as a system, explaining the function of each part; root, stem, leaves, fruit, seeds.
  2. Observe, identify, and explain survival strategies for birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals.
  3. Explain unusual animal adaptations: body parts, mimicry, behavior, camouflage.
  4. State that a “community” includes a series of interdependent populations in a given area.
  5. Analyze a given community (e.g., pond, woods, field) and give examples of producers, consumers, and decomposers.
  6. Compare and contrast food chains and food webs.
  7. Develop a food web given a group of forest or ocean organisms.
  8. Discover the laws of attraction and repulsion for magnets, identify the North and South Poles, and divide materials by their response to a magnet.
  9. Make an iron filings picture of the magnets, identify the North and South Poles, and divide materials by their response to a magnet.
  10. Make an iron filings picture of the magnetic lines of force about various arrangements of magnets.
  11. Compare and contrast igneous rocks and describe how they are formed.
  12. Build a model of a volcano and connect it to the idea of igneous rocks.
  13. Identify the principle parts of digestive, circulatory, and respiratory systems, labeling the parts and explaining their functions.
  14. Discuss health practices, activities, diets that will support good health in digestive, circulatory, and respiratory systems.
  15. Make observations regarding planets
  16. Categorize the planets as either rocky or frozen.

Social Studies

By the end of Grade 4, students will be able to:

  1. Use reference resources within their text, (e.g., table of contents, index, appendix, bibliography).
  2. Role play the action of historic figures or events after doing research in encyclopedias, biographies, or other factual materials.
  3. Explain how place influences life.
  4. Participate in group decision making.
  5. Identify the capital, major cities, natural resources, and regional-interest sites of their state.
  6. Describe different types of industry and occupations in the state and region.
  7. Locate places on a map using a grid.
  8. Discuss sources of conflict and methods of resolution.
  9. Define and explain both freedom and responsibility.
  10. Explain how public policy is made by local and state governments.
  11. Identify elements of the common good for the society.
  12. Describe how casualty affects history.
  13. Make suggestions to improve the common good and well-being.
  14. Identify the origins history, and geography of their state.
  15. Describe the role of Native Americans in the history of their region or state.
  16. Analyze the impact of media in their lives.
  17. Construct a bar graph, line graph, or picture graph representing population growth.
  18. Understand why immigrants from many parts of the world continue to want to come to the United States.
  19. Define specific responsibility of state as opposed to federal government.
  20. Appreciate different forms of food, music, and art, recognizing ethnic diversity and how it contributes to our way of life.
  21. Demonstrate an understanding of time zones.
  22. Detail how transportation played a role in regional development.


By the end of Grade 4, students will be able to:

    The Creation of Art

  1. Draw the human figure and animals from direct observation.
  2. Draw a still life, plants, and landscape from direct observation.
  3. Demonstrate an increased ability to utilize positive and negative space in drawings and paintings.
  4. Effectively allow shapes to move past the boundary of the picture frame in drawings and paintings.
  5. Demonstrate an increased proficiency in handling the painting techniques of dry brush, wet on wet, and blending.
  6. Create paintings that utilize analogous and monochromatic color schemes.
  7. Create a contour line drawing of shoes or simple objects.
  8. Research and design a symbol that illustrates a biblical truth or doctrine.
  9. Design and create a banner that utilizes abstraction to denote a church season.
  10. Develop social skills and Christian character as he/she works with others.
  11. Art Criticism and Analysis

  12. Describe the technical skill used to produce artworks in various media.
  13. Aesthetics

  14. Discuss reasons for making and displaying works of art.

(Text: Holt Music)

By the end of Grade 4, students will be able to:


  1. Work on signing with accurate rhythm.
  2. Accompany songs on rhythm instruments or tone bells, using correct and more complex rhythms.
  3. Introduce and/or reinforce terms: tempo, adagio, allegro, andante, largo, presto, and rest.
  4. Further discuss time signatures and beat groupings.
  5. Melody

  6. Sing melody on pitch, with and increasingly clear tone and wider range.
  7. Improvise 3/4 measures on classroom instruments.
  8. Good posture and breathing techniques will be stressed.
  9. Sing from hymnals and sheet music that have printed accompaniments as well as melody lines.
  10. Apply syllables and numbers to the music staff.
  11. Listen for melodic themes in music.
  12. Hear major and minor tonality differences both in melody and in chords.
  13. Experiment with pentatonic melodies.
  14. Dynamics

  15. Learn and use marking from pianissimo to fortissimo.
  16. Articulation

  17. Learn legato, staccato and accent marks.
  18. Harmony

  19. Continue on a more complex level with rounds, partner songs, canons and descants.
  20. Accompany songs on the Autoharp and tone bells using I-IV-V7 chords.
  21. Identify by ear which chords must change in the accompaniment.
  22. Form

  23. Hear examples of theme and variations.
  24. Learn D.C. al Fine, first and second endings.
  25. Listen to examples of mariachi, steel drum, cowboy songs, square dances, and waltz music.
  26. Understand how various forms give structure to music.
  27. Orchestra

  28. Learn names and families of instruments and hear examples of each.
  29. Attend one Colorado Symphony Youth concert in third or fourth grade.
  30. Performance

  31. Create short songs and instrumental pieces using a variety of sound sources guided by and limited by the teacher.
  32. Sing in church 3-4 times during the school year, and will participate in the Advent program in December and the spring musical in May.
  33. Reading

  34. Read all whole, half, dotted-half, quarter, eighth notes and rests in 2/3, 3/4, and 4/4 time signatures.
  35. Learn treble clef note names.
  36. Know and use terms for very loud (ff-fortissimo), very soft (pp-pianissimo), medium slow (Andante), and very fast (Presto).

Physical Education

By the end of Grade 4, students will be able to:

    Movement Concepts, Patterns and Skills

  1. Combine levels, directions, and shapes into repeatable sequences.
  2. Intentionally avoid or intercept moving objects and people.
  3. Continuously transfer weight from/to different body parts.
  4. Control balance, speed, and direction while traveling with hand on objects.
  5. Roll backward, feet to feet, maintaining a tuck position.
  6. Use force and balance while jumping for height.
  7. Foot-dribble a ball with control in a large group setting.
  8. Strike a tossed ball to a partner, using different body parts.
  9. Continuously send and receive sport balls with control in wall-practice activities.
  10. Consistently use proper techniques while throwing and catching.
  11. Fundamental Skills and Concepts in Structure Movement Forms.

  12. Incorporate a variety of footwork and rope patterns.
  13. Perform skipping and sliding movement patterns with a partner to rhythmic accompaniment.
  14. Participate according to directions and rules in locomotor and manipulative games.
  15. Fitness Skills and Behaviors

  16. Regularly participate in physical activity for the purpose of improving performance and physical fitness.
  17. Maintain appropriate body alignment and control during movement experiences.
  18. Support, lift, and control body weight in a variety of activities.
  19. Participate in organized after-school activities that promote the development of fitness and sport skills.
  20. Cognitive Elements Related to Movement Experiences

  21. Distinguish between compliance and noncompliance with game rules and fair play.
  22. Select and categorize specialized equipment used for participation in a variety of activities.
  23. Recognize fundamental components and strategies use in simple games and activities.
  24. Describe healthful benefits resulting from regular and appropriate participation in physical activity.
  25. Responsible Personal and Social Attitudes and Behaviors

  26. Identify and select activities that contribute to personal feelings of enjoyment.
  27. Analyze potential risks associate with physical activities.
  28. Appreciate differences and similarities in others’ physical activity.
  29. Respect persons from different backgrounds and the cultural significance they attribute to various games, dances and physical activities.
  30. Celebrate personal successes and achievements and those of others.
  31. Accept a teaching role to other classmates.
  32. Assess their own performance difficulties without blaming someone else.
  33. Accept the talent that God gave to them and to others.