Objectives for Grade 1
By the end of grade 1, students will be able to:
- Explain that God sent Jesus to be the Savior for all people.
- Demonstrate a desire to tell others about Jesus, the Savior of the world.
- Perform acts of kindness as they serve one another in love.
- Tell that Jesus gave the Lord’s Supper to assure His disciples of the forgiveness of their sins.
- Acknowledge that Jesus is alive.
- Joyfully worship God in obedience, through songs, prayers, and actions.
- Demonstrate a desire to share God’s gifts to them with others.
- Recognize that God calls them to be His own dear children so that they may follow His purpose and plan for their lives.
- Express a desire to go to God in prayer trusting that He will answer the prayers according to His plan for their lives.
- Acknowledge that they can hear God’s Word and learn about Jesus at home or in school as well as in church.
- Appreciate God’s care for them and the wonder of creation.
- Praise God that He takes care of our physical and spiritual needs.
- Demonstrate a desire to follow Jesus.
- Sing simple hymns and worship songs.
Language Arts
By the end of grade 1, students will be able to:
- Identify long and short vowel sounds and their letter patterns.
- Contribute to and read experience stories composed by a group.
- Listen to get answers to questions or to clarify thinking.
- Identify final consonant sounds.
- Use meaningful context to predict an unknown word.
- Enjoy reading developmentally appropriate books in leisure time.
- Spell with increasing accuracy the words they use when they write.
- Use phonics and structural analysis to decode unknown words.
- Use context and syntactic clues to decode unknown words.
- Distinguish between fantasy and reality when listening to stories.
- Categorize words into related groups (e.g., red, green, and white are colors.)
- Identify the setting of a story they hear or read.
- Participate in group discussions.
- Recognize sight words that are important to them.
- Provide rhyming words for words they hear.
- Use capital letters for the first word in a sentence and for names.
- As a group dramatize a Bible story, ex., puppet show
- Write legibly in print script, using appropriate size, slant, shape, and spacing.
- Copy written words and simple sentences.
- Write simple sentences that begin with a capital letter.
- Use singular and plural forms of nouns correctly.
- Write short stories using traditional spelling along with invented spelling.
- Use a picture dictionary to discover meaning and spelling.
- Write names, labels for pictures, and stories to illustrate artwork.
- Demonstrate an awareness that reading should make sense by modifying inaccurate predictions about unknown words.
- Distinguish and identify individual letters and letter groups in a variety of type and script styles.
- Recite repetitive changes and rhymes in a group.
By the end of grade 1, students will be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of place value using various proportional and nonproportional models.
- Read and write numerals through 100.
- Order any set of numbers between 1 and 00.
- Count up to 100 by ones and skip count by twos, fives, and tens.
- Use various strategies (manipulative and mental reasoning) to model addition and subtraction.
- Write an addition or subtraction sentence that describes a modeled situation.
- Demonstrate the commutative, the associative, and the identity properties for addition.
- Find the sum of three one-digit numbers.
- Be aware of two-digit addition and subtraction problems.
- Use a calculator to make mathematical discoveries (Introduce basic functions)
- Make estimates before making measurements, performing computations, and solving word problems.
- Identify coins and determine the value of a given set of coins.
- Identify two-dimensional and three-dimensional figures and describe similarities and differences between figures.
- Identify congruent figures and lines of symmetry.
- Measure objects using both nonstandard units and standard units (cm, in., and ft.)
- Order a set of objects given some measurable attribute.
- Determine length, capacity, weight, and time.
- Collect data and make pictographs and bar graphs of the data.
- Draw conclusions and make informal predictions based on experience or graphed data.
- Identify some events that are sure to happen and some that are not sure to happen.
- Orally identify halves, thirds, and fourths of regions.
- Duplicate and continue a pattern of concrete objects.
- Identify and describe patterns that occur in real-life situations.
By the end of grade 1, students will be able to:
- Identify the living and nonliving materials.
- Define habitat as the place where a plant, animal, or human lives; and describe various types of habitats in the neighborhood of the school and types of living things found in each.
- Give examples of how plants, animals, and humans use water, air, and soil.
- Explain how a plant’s structure or an animal’s body or certain body parts help protect it.
- Compare and contrast animals on the basis of where they live, how they protect themselves, and how they obtain food.
- Classify and describe rocks by the way they look and feel, and learn the name of at least one igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rock.
- Determine the hardness of some rocks and minerals by their ability to scratch one another.
- Observe the earth from space via a globe with special emphasis to land features (mountains, glaciers, deserts, plains, etc.), continents, water distribution, their home on earth.
- Observe the changes in weather with special emphasis on seasonal changes and clouds and weather.
- Observe how the sky changes daily (sunrise, sunset) and relate this to time.
- Be aware of monthly sky changes (following the moon and starts).
- Record and explain the yearly (seasonal) changes in the sky (length of days, etc.).
- Explain forces that cause objects to move, by pushing or pulling.
- Identify and observe gravity and magnets as sources of forces.
- Name and use three simple machines: wheels, inclined planes, levers.
- Measure the force with and without a ramp with a rubber band showing how machines trade force for distance.
- Demonstrate the use of an equal-arm balance and relate the principle to a playground seesaw and mobiles.
- Observe and describe how magnets attract and repel each other and other objects.
- Describe how a push or pull is needed to start an object moving, to keep it moving, to change its speed or direction, or to stop it while it is in motion.
- Explain how exercise is related to good health.
- Identify dangerous household substances (e.g., detergents, furniture polish, insect repellents) and poisonous nonfood plants, and list precautions to protect themselves and others from bodily harm.
Social Studies
By the end of grade 1, students will be able to:
- Name at least two playground safety rules.
- Relate how the environment affects life.
- Understand the role and nature of families.
- Know their role in the family
- Discuss appropriate ways of dealing with conflict.
- Appreciate how we depend upon each other in a community.
- Express their feelings about self and family.
- Track a route in the school vicinity on a map.
- Name important public officials (e.g., president, prime minister, mayor).
- Recognize national symbols (e.g., flag, eagle).
- Sing and understand the importance of patriotic songs.
- Differentiate landforms (e.g., mountains, valleys).
- Understand the four cardinal directions and locate them on a map.
- Appreciate the diversity of people around the world.
- Explain why people need jobs.
- See how the classroom is both the same and different from a family.
- Formulate and ask more detailed questions.
- Discuss influences upon their decisions.
- Understand simple graphs and charts.
- Explain forms of transportation they use.
- Act appropriately in new and different situations.
- Use pictures to demonstrate ideas.
- Recognize the causes of outcomes.
- Understand how technology affects their lives.
By the end of grade 1, students will be able to:
Art History
- Recognize that art has been created in many different places and at many different times.
- Recognize works of art produced in selected various cultures.
- Use terms such as landscape, still life, and portrait to classify works of art.
- Demonstrate painting skills by mixing and using colors in a planned composition.
- Identify a variety of lines and shapes in nature, in the environment, and in works of art.
- Use a variety of lines in drawings and paintings.
- Use drawing and painting media to reproduce recognizable and expressive images.
- Cut numerous kinds of lines and shapes fluently with scissors.
- Employ actual and/or simulated textures in their art.
- Model human and animal forms in clay and decorate with line and texture.
- Use printmaking techniques to create a repeated pattern of lines, shapes, and colors.
- Construct a sculptural form from found objects, boxes, cardboard tubes, etc. by gluing, nailing, taping, stacking, or folding.
- Construct puppet from colored paper and paper bags.
- Use paper, cloth, or mixed-media to create an applique, banner that conveys an idea or feeling.
- Contribute to a group mural on a selected theme.
- Develop social skills and Christian character as they work with others.
- Identify moods or feelings portrayed in selected works of art.
- Demonstrate increased fluency in the identification and discussion of line, shape, color, light and dark, and texture in a given set of art works.
- Compose sentences describing an abstract painting or print.
- Recognize the visual arts as a gift from God.
The Creation of Art
Art Criticism and Analysis
(text: Holt Music)
By the end of grade 1, students will be able to:
- Be able to keep a steady pulse while playing the basic beat.
- Play simple rhythmic patterns and classroom instruments.
- Echo clap rhythms.
- Choose instruments to play simple rhythmic patterns to accompany a story or poetry reading.
- Be able to follow body signals or number.
- Sing a variety of songs and hymns in simple rhythms.
- Begin to make up melodies for phrases of a short memorized poem.
- Explore the voice using good-breathing, posture and singing loud and soft while still producing a pleasing tone.
- Raise and lower hands for loud and soft.
- Move arms faster or slower to coordinate with the music tempo.
- Be able to make choices for the level of loudness or softness, tempo, and lowness or highness of pitch of express words.
- Sing echo songs, first with the class echoing the teacher, then by dividing the class.
- Do finger plays led by the teacher.
- March, gallop, and skip in time to the beat of the music.
- Do simple actions to interpret the words of each phrase of a song.
- Be able to start and stop walking or marching at the beginning of phrases of music hear and sung.
- Hear and identify the separate phrases (lines) in poetry, hymns and folk songs.
- Be able to clap or speak stick notation (using note steams only-no note heads) or rhythm notation (using rectangles to represent note values).
- See and sing repeated pitches and rhythms on a one or two-line music staff.
- Write rhyming words to complete phrases.
- In listening to music, compare similarities and differences of music from Western and non-Western cultures (e.g. similarities: all use rhythm, voices, instruments, melody; differences; language used, types of instruments, moods expressed.)
- Be able to compare differences between music for voices and music for instruments.
- Sing a variety of songs learned by rote.
- Good posture and breathing techniques will be taught.
- Participate in the Advent program in December and the Spring musical in May.
Physical Education
By the end of grade 1, students will be able to:
Acquire Movement Concepts
- Respond to directions for movement sequences.
- Using different levels, make different shapes while moving with a partner.
- Move with control and purpose in small groups.
- Stop quickly with control at a given signal.
- Absorb force by bending while landing from a jump.
- Use proper form when galloping and sliding.
- Jump continuously using a two-foot take-off and landing.
- Use arms to provide force for distance jumping.
- Continuously hop on either foot.
- Attempt to leap for distance with either foot leading.
- Kick a ball.
- Bounce and catch balls of different sizes.
- Participate in chasing and fleeing games.
- Participate in parachute and small-apparatus activities.
- Continuously perform simple twists, bends, stretches, and swings.
- Sustain single-leg balances and repeated hops.
- Use full range of movement of the hips and the shoulders.
Acquire Fundamental Movement Patterns and Skills
Acquire Fitness Skills and Behavior