Objectives for Grade 2


By the end of Grade 2, students will be able to:

  1. Praise God for His goodness in creating and redeeming the world.
  2. Recognize that in Baptism we become part of God’s family.
  3. Remember the suffering and death of their Savior for them whenever they observe the Lord’s Supper being celebrated.
  4. Express confident assurance that God keeps all His promises to them, including His greatest promise of eternal life through Christ.
  5. Rejoice that God wants them to live with Him in the beautiful place He has prepared in heaven.
  6. Identify leaders and helpers in their communities who are God’s gifts to them.
  7. Recognize that God prepares them for their service in His kingdom.
  8. Recognize that Jesus came to save people of all nations.
  9. Express feelings of security knowing the great power of Jesus.
  10. Acknowledge that as the Holy Spirit came to believers at Pentecost, so He comes to them today through His Word and Baptism.
  11. Appreciate the diversity of people in the Christian church.
  12. Identify the many blessings of God in their lives.
  13. Recognize that Martin Luther pointed people back to the truth in God’s Word.
  14. Demonstrate care and concern for people of various races and cultures.

Language Arts

By the end of Grade 2, students will be able to:

  1. Understand and use contractions when writing.
  2. Write simple stories using original ideas, complete sentences, and a logical flow of related ideas.
  3. Add prefixes and suffixes to words.
  4. Identify the main idea and significant details.
  5. Sequence sentences logically in a story they write.
  6. Suggest alternate story conclusions to a story they have heard or read.
  7. Demonstrate the importance of both the content and mechanics of writing.
  8. Speak confidently with small groups and before the entire class.
  9. Enjoy reading developmentally appropriate books in leisure time.
  10. Activate and use prior knowledge when reading.
  11. Write legibly in print script and begin to use cursive writing.
  12. Write two-line poems that end in rhyming words.
  13. Translate experiences into written form.
  14. Write a letter to a friend using an appropriate heading and closing, and address an envelope correctly.
  15. Check their own understanding when reading.
  16. Change statements into questions, and questions into statements.
  17. Reread and revise their own stories.
  18. Listen to and retell stories, jokes, or riddles in correct sequence.
  19. Select and check out developmentally appropriate books from the library.
  20. Use pitch and rhythm in speech to convey meaning.
  21. Use capital letters for the names of people, days, months, holidays, streets, and cities.
  22. Use verb tenses correctly in written composition.
  23. Share experiences before the class in an established way.


By the end of Grade 2, students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of place value.
  2. Read, write, and order any set of numerals between 1 and 1,000.
  3. Write a number sentence that describes the relationship between any pair of whole numbers.
  4. Count by ones to any whole number, and skip count by twos, threes, fours, fives, and tens.
  5. Identify whether a number is even or odd.
  6. Find the sum of three or four single-digit addends.
  7. Estimate and find the sum or difference of two-digit and there-digit numbers.
  8. Round two-digit numbers to the nearest ten, and round three-digit numbers to the nearest ten and to the nearest hundred.
  9. Use a calculator to make mathematical discoveries.
  10. Identify coins and bills and determine the value of a given set of coins and bills.
  11. Identify, describe, and compare two- and three- dimensional figures.
  12. Identify congruent and symmetrical figures.
  13. Estimate and measure length, perimeter, capacity, weight (mass), temperature, and area by using various nonstandard, metric, and English units.
  14. Tell time on a traditional (analog) clock to the nearest hour, half-hour, quarter-hour, and five minutes.
  15. Collect data and make pictographs and bar graphs of the data.
  16. Describe data displayed on a graph and make predictions and draw conclusions based on the graphed data.
  17. Determine the likelihood that an event will occur.
  18. Recognize different physical representations for the same fraction.
  19. Give the appropriate fraction symbol and name for a fraction model.
  20. Use different strategies to determine basic facts.
  21. Identify and extend patterns of objects and symbols.


By the end of Grade 2, students will be able to:

  1. Arrange in order drawings or photographs of the growth stages of various plants, animals, and humans.
  2. Compare with friends and relatives such items as hand size, amount of hair, smoothness of skin.
  3. Describe changes that take place in plants, animals, and humans as they grow older.
  4. Discuss food groups, foods, and snacks that promote good health, and safe handling and storage of foods.
  5. List some examples of weathering in general.
  6. Observe areas where weathering have taken place and predict what will happen to that area in the future.
  7. Keep a weather record of temperature, wind, and rain.
  8. Find order in waves (e.g., as observed with a Slinky spring toy, ripple tank, puddle), noting especially interaction with obstacles (reflection and transmission).
  9. Test air, water, plastic, wood, and metals to determine their ability to transmit sound.
  10. State that light and sound behave as waves when they partially reflect and partially transmit.
  11. Observe the images of themselves and other objects in mirrors, paying attention to size and location.
  12. Explain how we hear sounds, how sounds affect us, and how to reduce sounds classified as noise.
  13. Draw a not-to-scale model of the solar system to explain the motion of the planets.
  14. Describe the appearance of the night sky and identify at least three constellations and three stars.
  15. Discuss living things of long ago: dinosaurs, extinct animals and reasons for their demise, and apply this to endangered species today.
  16. Discuss the interrelationships of all living things, the value of the variety God created, and the responsibility God gave to humans to tend the earth.
  17. Teach all the units in the 2nd grade science book
  18. Teach an additional space unit discussing more about the planets, astronauts and the moon.
  19. Ocean unit deals with mammals, fish, and invertebrates. Discuss the parts of the ocean, continental shelf, continental slope, sea mount, sea trench, and ocean floor.
  20. Rain Forest Unit – Animals and creatures that live in the rain forests. Where rain forests are, the products we get from the rain forests, layers of the rain forest.
  21. Field Trip to the Denver Zoo and Tropical Discoveries. (Discussion of animal coverings; visit a “Rain Forest” in Tropical Discoveries.)

Social Studies:

By the end of Grade 2, students will be able to:

  1. Participate in developing guidelines for classroom practice and procedures.
  2. Differentiate between needs and wants.
  3. Describe differences between various type of communities, such as rural an urban.
  4. Describe how people use the arts and music to express themselves.
  5. Describe how the past affects the present.
  6. Create a map of their school neighborhood.
  7. Estimate distances using a scale on a map.
  8. Develop a map or model of the community.
  9. Understand use of symbols on a map.
  10. Describe how things have changed over time in the community.
  11. Explain how to be wise stewards of the environment.
  12. Describe groups and institutions to which they belong.
  13. Describe things their government does for them.
  14. Understand the use of money in society.
  15. Suggest a conflict-resolution plan to solve a dispute.
  16. Seek the common good in classroom decisions.
  17. Be aware of dependence upon each other.
  18. Understand the hardships of the Pilgrims and other early settlers.
  19. Create a weekly job charge and graph task completion.
  20. Explain the importance of inventions (e.g., electricity, automobile).
  21. Appreciate the lives of those who lived in the past (using biographies).
  22. Write a simple paragraph about historical figures.
  23. Understand how some events exist beyond the immediate community.
  24. Demonstrate how to make rules for a social system.
  25. Understand the existence of more than one point of view for an issue.
  26. Define seasonal climates where they live.


By the end of Grade 2, students will be able to:

Art History

  1. Discuss the subject, mood, and art elements of selected works of art.
  2. Recognize and discuss the art of at least four different artists studied during the school year.
  3. Use terms such as landscape, still life, and portrait to classify works of art.
  4. The Creation of Art

  5. Use warm and/or cool colors to create a mood or feeling. Discuss the paintings of artists who employ this technique.
  6. Identify a variety of lines and shapes in nature, the environment, and in works of art.
  7. Utilize expressive qualities of lines in drawings and paintings of people, places, and things.
  8. Use drawing and painting media to illustrate recognizable images.
  9. Use highlights and shadows in drawings and paintings.
  10. Create imaginary drawings and paintings based on works of art.
  11. Create textures and patterns in clay as they model figures and animals.
  12. Create a collage and/or photo montage based on a story or theme.
  13. Use construction paper, yarn, cloth, paper, and other suitable materials in the creation of a puppet.
  14. Use cloth, fibers, and other suitable materials in the creation of applique, banners and stitchery.
  15. Use paper, fibers, and other suitable material for a weaving.
  16. Review the procedures and print a pattern or image from found objects.
  17. Develop social skills and Christian character as they work with others.
  18. Art Criticism and Analysis

  19. Recognize and describe the expressive use of line, shape, and color in selected works of art.
  20. Recognize and discuss the similarities and differences between given sets of works of art.
  21. Interpret through dramatization a selected work of art.
  22. Aesthetics.

  23. Profess a Christian viewpoint in the interpretation and discussion of selected works of art.
  24. Discuss Christian values in relationship to selected works of art.
  25. Discuss reasons for mankind and displaying artwork.

(Text: Holt Music)

By the end of Grade 2, students will be able to:


  1. Be able to keep a steady pulse while playing the basic beat.
  2. Play simple rhythmic patterns on classroom instruments.
  3. Echo clap and/or play quarter notes, half notes, whole notes, and eighth notes in rhythmic patterns.
  4. Choose instruments to play simple rhythmic patterns to accompany a story or poetry reading.
  5. Make up short rhythmic patterns for classmates to echo clap.
  6. Experiment with writing word patterns.
  7. Melody

  8. Be able to sing a scale following body signals or numbers.
  9. Sing a variety of songs and hymns in various speeds while still keeping the beat steady.
  10. Dynamics

  11. Explore the voice using good-breathing, posture and singing loud and soft while still producing a pleasing tone.
  12. Raise and lower hands for loud and soft.
  13. Move arms faster or slower to coordinate with the music tempo.
  14. Be able to make choices for the level of loudness or softness, tempo, and lowness or highness of pitch to express words.
  15. Harmony

  16. Begin singing rounds, echo songs, and partner songs.
  17. Moving

  18. Continue to do actions to music, but more rhythmically than first grade.
  19. Pat-clap and step to 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4 meters.
  20. Participate in free movement to music
  21. Listening

  22. Hear music in major and minor keys.
  23. Heart woodwind, brass, string and percussion instruments alone and in combination, then discuss and identify instruments.
  24. Reading

  25. Be able to clap or speak note notation (using note stems with note heads) or rhythm notation (using rectangles to represent note values).
  26. Begin to sing from a single melodic line with one line of words beneath it.
  27. Identify melodic pattern direction (up or down in pitch).
  28. Comparing

  29. Distinguish between melody, harmony, beat and rhythm.
  30. Performance

  31. Sing a variety of songs and hymns.
  32. Sing complete phrases with one breath based on continued good posture and breathing techniques.
  33. Perform songs in unison with or without instrumental accompaniment.
  34. Participate in singing in church 3 or 4 times during the school year.
  35. Participate in the Advent program in December and the Spring musical in May.

Physical Education

By the end of Grade 2, students will be able to:

    Acquire Movement Concepts
  1. Travel in a backward direction with control.
  2. Adapt to rhythmic beats/patterns.
  3. Create movement sequences.
  4. Move with control and purpose.
  5. Acquire Fundamental Movement Patterns and Skills

  6. Roll in a forward direction while maintaining a tuck position.
  7. Create a variety of shapes while balancing on different bases.
  8. Form different bases of support.
  9. Use mature form components while hopping and skipping.
  10. Repeatedly jump a self-turned rope.
  11. Perform chasing, fleeing, and dodging activities.
  12. Jump and land, using both one- and two-foot take-offs.
  13. Use different foot surfaces to control a rolling ball.
  14. Catch a tossed ball using the hands.
  15. Dribble a ball with control using preferred hand.
  16. Strike an object toward a target using different body parts.
  17. Continuously strike a ball with a paddle.
  18. Use side orientation and arm/leg opposition while throwing overhand.
  19. Acquire Fitness Skills and Behaviors

  20. Demonstrate balance and safety practices.
  21. Participate in vigorous physical activity over a sustained period of time.
  22. Manage their own body weight while hanging and climbing.
  23. Move each joint through a full range of movement.
  24. Acquire Cognitive Elements Related to Movement Experiences

  25. Recognize similar movement concepts in a variety of skills.
  26. Identify appropriate behavior for participation.
  27. Identify general changes in the body during physical activity.
  28. State reasons for safe and controlled movement.
  29. State the benefits of cooperation and sharing.
  30. Demonstrate Responsible Attitudes and Behaviors.

  31. Accept the feelings resulting from physical activities.
  32. Be consideration of others.