Objectives for Grade 5
By the end of Grade 5, students will be able to:
- Acknowledge with confidence God’s plan of salvation as clearly revealed in Scripture.
- Determine whether selected Bible passages reveal God’s Law showing our sinfulness and our need for forgiveness or God’s Gospel message the Good News of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ or both.
- Use Bible reference tools to discover Gospel passages.
- Praise God for His plan of salvation.
- Describe Scripture as the work of many human authors and yet the pure, “God-breather” Word.
- Identify grace as the motivation for good works
- Express joy and confidence in the forgiveness God freely offers them through Christ.
- Acknowledge Holy Scripture as the final authority for both doctrine and practice
- Describe the impact of God’s Law and Gospel on their lives.
- Compare the old covenant with God’s new covenant in Jesus.
- Recognize sings of God’s love and care in their own lives.
- Recognize that God is faithful, strengthens them, and gives them the victory over their enemies’ sin, death, and the power of the devil.
- Express reliance on God and His Word for courage, wisdom, and direction throughout their lives.
- Recognize that no force is more powerful than God and His love for them in Christ.
- Identify opportunities in which the Holy Spirit can use them in service to God.
- Trust that God will accomplish His good purposes in their lives, even in times of conflict and crisis.
- Acknowledge Christ’s forgiveness and rely on the Holy Spirit’s power to share God’s love with others, especially with those who have not yet heard the saving Gospel of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus.
- Express confident trust that Jesus their Savior will renew and strengthen them to respond with forgiveness toward others.
- Define worship as our response to God’s grace in which we demonstrate our love, honor, and respect for Him in everything we say and do.
- Acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah, the Christ who fulfilled Old Testament prophecies.
- Recognize that through the means of grace, the Holy Spirit leads people to identify and trust in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
- Daily remember the covenant God made with them in Baptism as they repent of their sin and receive the full assurance of God’s forgiveness
- Realize that the Holy Spirit empowers us to live as God’s children
- Express confident trust in God’s promise to work through the means of grace to help them overcome the temptations they face.
- Acknowledge that through His suffering and death, Jesus earned forgiveness of sin and eternal life for them and for all people.
- Appreciate the need to witness to all people, including people of every race, color, and nationality.
- Study Bible references that describe the joy that awaits them in heaven through faith in Jesus Christ.
- Recognize God’s continuous protection and preservation of His church throughout history through His power and great mercy.
- Identify basic doctrines contained in the Augsburg Confession, and confess their faith in statements based on God’s Word and the Lutheran Confessions.
- Describe the nature of the 95 theses, and compare and contrast Martin Luther’s views with the teachings of the 16th century church.
- Describe the covenant history of God’s people from the birth of Moses to the division of the Kingdom of Israel.
Language Arts
By the end of Grade 5, students will be able to:
- Compare and contrast various translations of the Holy Scriptures.
- Make evaluative judgments of fact or opinion when reading
- Listen critically to radio and television advertisements for errors, propaganda, or false claims.
- Preview and skim expository selections and summarize the high points.
- Infer a time sequence in a story.
- Form generalizations from given details.
- Deliver a brief impromptu speech confidently and with good organization of thought.
- Participate in class debates.
- Conduct an interview using a list of prepared questions.
- Listen to a wide variety of stories, poetry, and exposition, and find pleasure in exploring new types.
- Show an increasing awareness of the value of social conversation for sharing information or persuading others.
- Use a dictionary to define and spell words.
- Use a library’s reference materials to research a topic, including computer searches, diagrams, and maps to locate information.
- Identify metaphors or similes in what they read.
- Spell correctly the words they need in order to write.
- Choose to read books in leisure time that are age appropriate and ability appropriate.
- Demonstrate increasing competence in inflection, modulation, and other methods of voice control.
- Understand that standard English is needed for effective oral and written communication.
- Read for the purpose of gaining information on topics of interest.
- Write to express feelings or opinions.
- Adapt method and speed of reading to content and purpose.
- Present organized talks or dramatic recitations.
- Identify and correct sentence fragment.
- Punctuate sentences correctly.
- Identify parts of sentences including subjects and simple subjects, and predicates and simple predicates.
- Identify and correctly use parts of speech including nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions, and interjections.
- Write a detailed set of instructions in the form of a paragraph using a topic sentence, ordered details, and transition phrases.
- Write a business letter demonstrating a knowledge of the basic parts of a business letter.
- Write a descriptive paragraph which states an overall impression and includes sensory details.
- Write a persuasive paragraph.
- Analyze character plot and setting while reading stories.
- Identify cause and effect relationships.
- Make predictions and evaluate them as a story unfolds.
- Make inferences about what an author implies.
- Determine the importance of information as they identify main ideas and the details that support them.
- Form generalizations after reading a selection.
- Identify a variety of genres such as fantasy, realistic fiction, documentary, etc.
- Map the sequence of events from a story.
- Recognize who is telling a story and how that person’s perspective affects what is revealed about the characters, plot, and setting.
- Distinguish fact from non-fact in a selection.
- Analyze judgments and decisions made in a series of scenarios.
- Use story illustrations to deepen knowledge and interest.
- Identify a story character’s problems, needs, or concerns and suggest solution.
By the end of Grade 5, students will be able to:
- Read, write, round, order, and use numerals through billions, decimals to thousandths, fractions, and mixed numbers.
- Estimate and find the sum or difference of two 3 5 digit whole numbers, the product of a one-, two-, or a three-digit whole number by a one-, two-, or a three-digit whole number by a one-, two-, or three-digit whole number, and to find the quotient for division problems that have one- or two-digit divisors.
- Estimate and find the sum or difference of any two decimals to the thousandths.
- Multiply and divide decimals by whole numbers.
- Use a calculator to find the sum or difference of any two decimal numerals, the product of any decimal and whole number, and the quotient of a decimal divided by a whole number.
- Determine the prime factorization of a number. (Finding the prime factorization is easier if students know the tests for divisibility by 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10.
- Find the greatest common factor and the least common multiple of two or more numbers.
- Develop the ability to find equivalent fractions for a given fraction and to reduce fractions
- Add and subtract fractions and mixed number with like and unlike denominators.
- Multiply a whole number by a fraction, a fraction by a whole number, and a fraction by a fraction.
- Convert a common fraction or mixed numeral to a decimal and a decimal to a common fraction or mixed numeral.
- Use formulas to compute the area of a square, a rectangle, and a triangle.
- Determine the volume of solids by counting nonstandard units and standard units.
- Estimate and calculate the volume of a rectangular prism or cube.
- Describe the relationships that exist between various units of volume and between volume and capacity for the metric system.
- Convert from one unit of measure to another unit of measure within the same measurement system.
- Express a relationship as a ratio, determine if two ratios are equal, and determine the missing term given two equivalent ratios.
- Represent situations and number patterns with tables, graphs, verbal rules, and equations that include variables.
- Analyze tables and graphs to identify properties and relationships.
- Systematically collect, organize, and summarize data in a table or a pictograph. Construct, read, and interpret tables, charts, and graphs. Compute measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode) and the range.
- Solve problems using a variety of strategies including – working backwards, logical reasoning, try and check, and making drawings and tables.
By the end of Grade 5, students will be able to:
- Identify the parts of the circulatory and respiratory systems and list the functions of each.
- Define an atom and a molecule and connect the names of compounds to their constituent atoms.
- Construct molecular models of simple compounds (first 20 atoms) based on their chemical formulas.
- Connect the formulas of compounds of their names with the periodic chart of the elements.
- Read basic weather instruments and weather maps.
- Predict weather conditions for the next day based on a given weather map or set of changing data.
- Interpret the symbols on a topographical map.
- Measure the time of day by using shadows cast by the sun.
- Demonstrate how lunar and solar eclipses can occur.
- Describe the basic difference between plant and animal cells.
- Classify animals as vertebrates or invertebrates, and differentiate between different types of each.
- Differentiate between cold-blooded and warm-blooded animals.
- Describe the main features of birds and mammals.
- Describe the function of various parts of a plant.
- Describe and differentiate between the processes of photosynthesis and respiration.
- Explain the carbon dioxide-oxygen cycle and the nitrogen cycle.
- Describe how living and non-living things interact in an ecosystem.
- Recognize how ecosystems change.
- Illustrate in the form of a food/energy pyramid the transfer of energy that occurs in an ecosystem.
- Identify the characteristics of the major biomes, and locate examples of each on a map of North America.
- Identify factors that affect climate, and describe how climate affects the growth of plants and animals.
- Distinguish between a freshwater and a saltwater ecosystem.
- Recognize how sound is made, and describe how sound travels through matter.
- Identify the common features of sound waves.
- Interpret the Laws of Motion, and recognize examples of each.
- Contrast renewable and non-renewable energy resources.
- Recognize the need for energy conservation and alternative energy resources.
- Compare and contrast creationism with evolution in relation to the geologic history of the earth.
- Describe some of the characteristics of the ocean and its bottom
- Explain what causes ocean water to move.
- Identify the causes of changes in weather.
- Describe how day and night are caused by the earth’s rotation.
- Describe how the change of seasons is caused by the earth’s tilt and its revolution around the sun.
- Describe the movements of the moon.
- Distinguish between proper use and abuse of drugs.
- Deal with situations that may involve the temptation of abuse drugs.
Social Studies
By the end of Grade 5, students will be able to:
- Locate the 50 states on an outline map.
- Identify major geographic regions of the United States.
- Support basic constitutional rights.
- Explain the responsibility of being a United States citizen.
- Use reference resources (i.e., encyclopedias, atlases, almanacs).
- Write a persuasive paragraph regarding civil rights.
- Explain how cultures respond to physical environments
- Place events into a chronological order.
- Recognize historical eras of United States history.
- Demonstrate empathy and critical thinking when responding to cultural social issues.
- Relate personal experience to current events.
- Show understanding of role and social status and their implications.
- Explain how governmental decisions affect daily life.
- Identify economic impacts upon the culture.
- Describe how global issues affect daily life.
- Discuss major current events from a daily newspaper.
- Recognize hardships faced during the western migration.
- Define difference between a colony and a state.
- Explain how the Industrial Revolution changed America.
- Work effectively in a cooperative group.
- Appreciate the diversity of the American experience.
- Identify major land forms, (i.e., rivers, mountain ranges)
- Explain how rich natural resources have been a blessing to the United States.
- Identify outstanding Americans in their historical context.
- Appreciate cultural contributions (i.e., music, art, and literature).
- Use charts to interpret dates (i.e., music, art, and literature).
- Retrace major exploration routes.
- Discuss and evaluate historical situations (e.g, the American Revolution, constitutional convention, slavery).
- Describe the characteristics and achievements of various pre-Columbian American cultures such as the Maya, Aztec, and Anasazi, and more recent natives of North America.
By the end of Grade 5, students will be able to:
Art History
- Discuss how artworks reflect the technology, times, and skills of a society.
- Discuss characteristics of style or period for selected works of art (Egyptian, Renaissance both Italian and Northern European Impressionism, Cubism, and Native American).
- Recognize the artwork of individual artists and group a selection of works according to style.
- Show increased skill in using drawing and painting techniques to create compositions, depict space, and communicate feelings.
- Use variations of line, shape, color, and texture to illustrate the principles of balance, repetition, dominance, and harmony.
- Create drawings from the imagination and develop the theme with detail and elaboration.
- Design their own lettering or “font”.
- Draw a given set of geometric forms in two-point perspective.
- Construct an architectural model from cartons, cardboard, or other suitable materials and decorate it with selected architectural details.
- Show increased skill in using collage and photo-montage as a means for personal expression.
- Develop social skills and Christian character as they work with others.
- Describe and categorize the specific principles of design (balance, emphasis, rhythm and movement, repetition, and unity).
- Recognize and discriminate among the elements of art in a given set of artworks and tell how the elements contribute to the overall mood or theme of the work.
- Recognize and describe the use of art media.
- Understand the properties of color: hue, value, and intensity.
- Compare the functions and values presented by the art of two different cultural groups.
- Consider the meaning and definition of art from a Christian perspective.
- Demonstrate an ability to discuss and understand a wide variety of artwork.
- Describe, using the vocabulary of the visual arts, the aesthetic and unaesthetic elements in the urban and rural environment.
The Creation of Art
Art Criticism and Analysis
(Text: Holt Music)
Elective: Bank
By the end of Grade 5, students will be able to:
- Work on singing with accurate rhythm.
- Improvise accompaniments for songs on rhythm instruments or tone bells.
- Further discuss time signatures and beat groupings.
- Sing increasingly advanced music from hymnals and sheet music, and by memory in unison and two-part harmony.
- Sing melody on pitch, with and increasingly clear tone and wider range.
- Begin sight singing simple melodies on scale step numbers.
- Sign in a group with good posture, breathing, expression and intonation.
- Learn and use markings from pianissimo to fortissimo.
- Learn and use markings for staccato, legato and accent marks
- Continue on a more complex level with rounds, partner songs, canons and descants.
- Accompany songs on the Autoharp and tone bells using I-IV-V& chords.
- Identify by ear which chords must change in the accompaniment.
- Listen to program music (instrumental music that tells a story, paints a picture or follows a text) and absolute music (instrumental Music that has no specific narrative or pictorial associations).
- Experience the music of several major composers, comparing how their music is different.
- Be able to break down different instruments into families by how their sound is produced (woodwinds, brass, percussion, strings).
- Create short songs and instrumental pieces using a variety of song sources guided by and limited by the teacher. Create sound effects to accompany a poem or brief story.
- Sing in church 3/4 times during the school year, and will participate in the Advent program in December and the Spring musical in May.
- Read all whole, half, dotted-half, quarter, eighth notes and rests in 2/3, 3/4, and 4/4 time signatures.
- Know and use terms for very loud (ff-fortissimo), very soft (pp-pianissimo), medium slow (Andante), and very fast (Presto), legato, and staccato.
Physical Education
By the end of Grade 5, students will be able to:
Acquire Movement Concepts
- Continuously transfer weight, feet to hands to feet, using a variety of body shapes.
- Consistently use mature form components when jumping for height and distance, leaping, and kicking.
- Explore manipulative skill adaptions for basic offensive and defensive stances and positioning.
- Explore stability and locomotor skill adaptations for basic offensive and defensive stances and positioning.
- Throw a variety of objects for both distance and accuracy.
- Continuously send and receive sport balls with a partner while moving in a large-group setting.
- Combine sending and receiving skills in small-group and lead-up activities.
- Use fundamental and specific skills in combinations while exploring simple offensive strategies.
- Participate in vigorous activity for a sustained period of time while maintaining a target heart rate of 160 beats per minute (about 26 or 27 beats for 10 seconds).
- Recover from vigorous physical activity in 10 minutes (heart rate below 100 beats per minute).
- Participate in games, sports, dance, and outdoor pursuits, both in and outside of school.
- Incorporate proper body alignment into correct technique for both static and dynamic tasks.
- Balance vigorous physical activity with appropriate rest intervals (relaxation).
- Identify specific physical movements that express self-image.
- Distinguish between right and wrong, relative to rules and regulations.
- Understand the importance of developing skills and fitness components as a road toward holistic well-being.
- Understand the importance of fair play and following the rules for all participants.
- Identify components and specific activities for physical conditioning that are personally satisfying.
- Prioritize activities that satisfy personal interests and enjoyment for future participation.
- Understand the importance of safe and proper exercise and physical activity.
- Describe essential elements of mature movement patterns.
- Acknowledge the expressive potential of movement and dance experiences.
- Participate in physical activity for the sheer joy of participation.
- Look forward to a variety of daily activity.
- Be considerate of fellow group or team members and show respect for other participants.
- Remain on task in a small group without close teacher monitoring.
- Choose a partner he/she can work with productively.
- Accept simple officiating duties during participation in game and sport activities.
- Appreciate the body as a marvelous creation of God that requires special care.
- Perform and complete physical fitness tests for strength, endurance, power, flexibility, agility, and speed to the best of their ability.
- Increase flexibility, agility, strength, endurance, and balance in tumbling and students activities.
- Increase body awareness and acquire an effective self-image and desirable self-concept through social interaction during movement experiences.
- Demonstrate safety skills and habits for later participation in physical activities. Activities: Discussion and use of warm-up activities before participation.
- Understand rules, strategies, and regulations of volleyball, basketball, softball, and track and field.
- Appreciate the need for expressive movements in dance activities.
- Demonstrate the use of physical activities in leisure time.
- Work with and help one another.
- Display desirable social standards and positive social attitudes.
- Display better body posture and coordination.
- Improve postural deviancies and gross motor skills through participation in fitness activities.
- Show respect and accept the talents that God gave to them and to others.
- Develop body strength through the use of a parachute.
- Perform fundamental steps in square dances.
- Develop muscular coordination through self-testing activities.
- Improve in ability, courage, and self-assurance in self-testing activities.
- Realize their own capabilities and establish their own standards.
- Understand that enjoyment comes through participation.
- Perform basketball lead-up skills in the game of Caption Ball or other activity.
- Perform volleyball lead-up skills in the game of Newcomb or other activity.
- Perform soccer lead-up skills in the game of Line Soccer or other activity.
- Perform softball lead-up skills in the game of One Old Cat or other activity.
- Appreciate the body as a marvelous creation of God that requires special care.
- Demonstrate courtesy, self-control, loyalty, truthfulness, and Christian conduct.
- Appreciate the importance of play.
- Learn and appreciate the rules of a game.
- Demonstrate improved speed and accuracy in games and sports skills.
- Demonstrate improved leg, hand, eye, and ear coordination.
- Develop skill, grace and agility in body actions.
- Adjust to other students who differ from themselves.
Acquire Fundamental Movement Patterns/Skills
Acquire Fitness Skills and Behavior
Acquire Cognitive Elements Related to Movement Experiences
Demonstrate Responsible Personal and Social Attitudes and Behavior for Movement Experiences
Objectives for Physical Education