At Zion Lutheran School we host one large fundraiser per year, usually in the fall. However, we also offer our families other small ways of helping throughout the school year.
Box Tops
We all shop for groceries, sometimes two or three times a week –- or more. Now turn those shopping trip into easy cash for your school, and encourage friends to do the same! Just look for the Box Tops logo on hundreds of products like Cheerios®, Hamburger Helper® and Kleenex®, in almost every aisle of the store. All you need to do is clip and send them to our Box Tops coordinator —- each one is worth 10¢ for our school.
This year we beat our goal! Our goal was 14,060 boxtops and so far we have collected 14,378 which amounts to $1,438.00 for our library and school. Keep collecting over the summer (remember this is free money for our school). The top 3 individual box top collectors over the summer will receive a prize. Be sure to put your name and next year 2011-2012 teacher name on your boxtops so your class gets credit as well. Since our school met its goal, the library was also able to purchase new recess equipment for most of the classes. Register over the summer with to receive additional ways to earn boxtops and coupons.
This year’s top classes were: Mr. Hart’s 4th grade with a total of 3,525. 2nd place was Mrs. McFall’s Kindergarten class with a total of 2,441! 3rd place was Mrs. Brewer’s 3rd grade with 1,464.
Thank you to all who collected boxtops. Keep it up!