- Students will learn of God’s love for them through two Bible Stories per week.
- Students will memorize simple songs to praise God.
- Students will memorize 1 Bible passage per week during second semester.
- Students will memorize the Lord’s Prayer.
Language Arts
- Students will learn to identify all the letters of the alphabet, both upper and lower case.
- Students will learn to organize the alphabet in proper sequence.
- Students will learn to print the letters of the alphabet, both upper and lower case.
- Students will learn to print their first and last names.
- Students will learn to differentiate among consonant letter sounds.
- Students will associate sounds with the 18 consonant letters.
- Students will match letters with beginning sounds.
- Students will learn to identify words by using consonant sounds and sentence context.
- Students will learn at least 30 sight words.
- Students will read simple books.
- Students will learn to spell words phonetically.
- Students will learn to print words.
- Students will learn to copy sentences.
- Students will learn to print their own simple sentences.
- Students will learn to pick out rhyming words.
- Students will learn to tell stories in correct sequence.
- Students will learn to differentiate fact and fiction.
- Students will classify objects according to size, shape, and color.
- Students will learn to continue patterns.
- Students will learn to read and make simple graphs.
- Students will learn to compare weights, lengths, and sizes.
- Students will learn to identify pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters, and their values.
- Students will identify equal parts.
- Students will identify halves and thirds.
- Students will join sets.
- Students will identify “+” and print addition sentences.
- Students will separate sets.
- Student will identify “-” and print subtraction sentences.
- Students will count to 100.
- Students will learn to identify numbers to 100.
- Students will learn to print numbers to 60.
- Students will learn to tell time to the hour.
- Students will learn the days of the week.
- Students will learn to read a calendar.
- Students will learn various parts of the body and their functions: heart, lungs, brain, bones, and muscles.
- Students will learn the five senses and how they help us find out about our world.
- Students will learn about what makes weather: temperature, pressure, movement, and precipitation.
- Students will learn how the four seasons differ from each other.
- Students will learn to classify living and non-living things.
- Students will learn to classify animals as plant or meat eaters.
- Students will learn how we use animals.
- Students will learn that plants have root, stems, leaves, flowers, and seeds.
- Students will learn the functions of the different parts of the plants.
- Students will plant different seeds and watch the plants grow.
Physical Education
- Students will strengthen their bodies by running and doing various exercises.
- Students will learn to skip and to gallop.
- Students will learn to throw a ball overhand and underhand.
- Students will learn to catch balls.
- Students will learn to pass balls.
- Students will learn to kick balls.
- Students will learn to do a standing broad jump and a long jump.
- Students will learn to run relays.
- Students will learn several games.
- Students will learn the primary colors.
- Students will learn the secondary colors and how to make them.
- Students will make projects with crayons, chalk, markers, and paints.
- Students will make projects using tissue paper, construction paper, and drawing paper.
- Students will make projects by cutting paper and gluing shapes together.
- Students will make projects by drawing.
- Students will make projects using torn paper.
- Students will make projects using cotton balls, seeds, sticks, etc.
- Students will learn religious and seasonal songs.
- Students will learn to play rhythm instruments.
- Students will learn that sounds can go up and down.
- Students will learn that rhythms can be fast or slow.
- Students will learn to move to music.