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Here’s a little bit of news from the ZLS PTL!

  1. Chick-fil-A Spirit Day Success! Thank you to all who participated in the February 10th Spirit Day at Chick-fil-A. Thanks to your generosity, Chick-fil-A will donate $469 (20% of our total sales $2,354) to Zion. Hats off to Miss Lee’s 2nd graders for winning the class cookie contest!
  2. Krispy Kreme Sale Underway: Students are selling Krispy Kreme doughnuts, coffee, and discount cards through March 4th. Please see PTL president, Lorri Carrier if you’d like to participate but don’t have a student to support.
  3. Dine out and support Zion: Please join us at Papa Murphy’s (Brighton Crossing – 96 N 50th Avenue) on Thursday, March 31st between 10 AM – 8 PM to participate in the March Spirit day.
  4. Annual Flower Sale is May 7th: Mark your calendars now and save the date! The Zion Lutheran School Annual Flower sale is right around the corner. The sale will be held for one day only: Saturday May 7th. Please join us in supporting our school at this fun sale. Volunteers are needed; email Nickie Maillet at to sign up.